Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Classroom Management

During lecture we discussed how to manage your classroom in different environments such as: a standard classroom setting, mini-lab stations, and computer lab rooms. Specific situations were brought to our attention-what if you found a great drill and practice activity on a computer program, but only had one computer for the classroom. My solution would be having a schedule for each student to have a 15 minute time slot two days a week with a vibrating timer to alert them when their time is up (that way they know it has been 15 minutes without distracting the rest of the class in a severe way). We also talked about how to manage a class that is working in a computer lab. There is now software to track every individual computer to see if students are on task or not. I think what we talked about was helpful however some of the ideas presented in the lecture seemed like an invasion of privacy, something I do not know if I would participate in as a teacher someday because I want to respect my students just as they should respect me. 

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