Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Professional Development

It is important to participate in professional development because technology is changing exponentially. Teachers must stay up to date in order to be an effective teacher, because teaching is focused so greatly on motivation and engagement. Also, knowing more about technology will open more doors for teaching your students in more creative ways. Teachers now have the availability to talk to teachers from all over the world. Therefore, they should not only become more knowledgable about technology, but about being a better teacher in general.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Flat World

The idea of teaching in a flat world scares me because I will most likely be teaching a room of students whom are more technologically intact than me. Although it is a fear of mine, it can also be viewed as an amazing future. We will soon be able to do so many unique and hands on activities due to the advancements in technology. I think the most important thing for me, as a teacher, is to stay up to date with all the new advancements. I will be able to use technology to my advantage as a teacher if I am prepared to do so.