Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Communication Tools

In class we discussed basic communication patterns: One to one, one to many, and many to many.
one to one- telephone, letters, tin cans
one to many- teacher teaching kids, web (blogs), you tube, watching television, video conferencing
many to many- chat room, discussion board, oncourse, google calendar

We also discussed the different between asynchronous and synchronous communication (types of interaction).

Asynchronous communication means that you are communicating, but not at the same time. Some examples would be e-mail, forums, blogs and text messages. Synchronous communication means communicating at the same time such as a chat room, discussion boards, and skyping.

Synchronous communication is good for getting feedback and information immediately, but asynchronous communication gives time for development in responses and makes communicating with people around the world possible. All kinds of communication are helpful and useful in the classroom-a teacher just needs to make the conscious decision when to do and use what.

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